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Starting June 1, 2023 WhatsApp is expanding today’s conversation-based pricing model from two conversation categories (user- and business-initiated) to four. Business-initiated conversations will be unbundled into three types reflecting key use cases: utility, authentication and marketing. User-initiated conversations will be renamed service conversations. These changes are designed to better align the pricing model with different stages of the customer journey. 

Customers value relevant and timely information and we want businesses to build more of these experiences on WhatsApp. For marketing, 67% of respondents report that WhatsApp led to higher conversion rates than alternative channels*, and we want businesses to continue to focus on these high ROI marketing use cases.

*From a recent survey by Kantar among WhatsApp users in India, Indonesia and Brazil. Alternative marketing channels include SMS text, Email, Push Notifications, and Paid Media. Push notifications defined as in-app messaging generated by a business’ owned application. Paid media defined as paid, external marketing efforts.

Types of Messages

1000 free user/business-initiated messages, Until 31 May, 2023


  • The user starts a message thread by messaging the business
  • No prior opt-in is required


  • The business starts a message thread by messaging a user
  • Required a pre-approved template and prior opt-in

1000 free user-initiated messages, Starting from 1 Jun, 2023



Service conversation

Any user-initiated conversation, such as to resolve a customer enquiry

Utility Conversations

Business-initiated conversations relating to a transaction, including post-purchase notifications and recurring billing statements to customers who have opted in


Business-initiated conversations that enable businesses to authenticate users with one-time passcodes at multiple steps during the login process, such as account registration, account recovery, and integrity challenges

Marketing Conversations

Business-initiated conversations to market a product or service to customers, such as relevant offers to customers who have opted in. Any business-initiated conversation that does not qualify as an authentication or utility conversation would also fall under this category

Take user notification as an example. If the notification message is transaction-related, for example your customer joined a paid activity that you sent him/her things to know or billing status, it is categorized as utility conversation. But if the notification message is unrelated to transaction, since it does not fulfill the conditions of authentication or utility conversation, it will fall into marketing conversation.

Extend free entry point conversations from 24h to 72 hr

1) Facebook Page ‘WhatsApp’ button

2) Facebook: Clicks to WhatsApp Ads

24-Hour Response Window

Send templates of different categories in the same 24-hr conversation window的訊息模板

When sending different categories within a 24-hr window, there will be an extra charge.

For instance, a marketing conversation is opened at 3:40 when a marketing template message is delivered. Later, with the marketing conversation still open, a utility template is delivered at 6:00. This opens a separate utility conversation. The result is one charge for a marketing conversation and one charge for a utility conversation.

Send templates of same categories in the same 24-hr conversation window

When sending the same categories within a 24-hr window, there will be no extra charge.

For instance, a utility conversion is opened at 9:00 when a utility template message is delivered. With the utility conversation still open, another utility template message is delivered at 11:00.As a result, there will be one charge for utility conversation.

One template with both utility and marketing content

When there is both utility and marketing content in one message, it will be counted as a marketing conversation message. A template that includes content that is both utility and marketing based on our template guidelines is delivered at 11:59. Whenever marketing content is identified in a template, the template will be categorized as marketing. The result is one marketing conversation charge.

For another example, A service conversation is opened at 9:31 when a business response to a customer message is delivered. A marketing template is delivered while this service conversation is still open at 4:30. This opens a separate marketing conversation. The result is one charge for a service conversation and one charge for a marketing conversation.

Pricing changes for conversations to Hong Kong number

Meta has adjusted WhatsApp Business API pricing model since 1st June, 2023. And chatalog will also adjust the pricing correspondingly. Here is the difference for conversations to Hong Kong number(+852). For pricing details, please refer to the lastest WhatsApp Conversation Fees.
Until 31 May 2023
From 1 June 2023

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